
What We Do


What We Do

We here at Forge Overland take a real world approach on real gear and travel. We are self-funded and work with real world budgets. Through our personal expertise in abuse, we subject our hand selected gear to trials in destruction to make honest and unbiased reviews, and we have been doing this since our forming in 2008.

We take an unfiltered and unbiased approach, telling it like it is. Having written technical and opinion articles for publications like Outside and Tread Magazine, as well as community members such as Overland Bound and Adventure Imports, we have cemented ourselves in the Overland and Off-road community as a respected leader in journalism and photography with uncompromising integrity.

Join our community on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as we seek to inspire your wanderlust and get out there.


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The Logo

The Logo

The Logo

Always forward, never backing down. The reverse American flag is a symbol of honor, courage and respect: a tradition that we honor here at Forge Overland. We are the stewards of this great land, and the patriots that guard it. We honor those who have sacrificed in the name of freedom and the American Dream.

Aim High